Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Long Weekend

I have been having some viral computer issues, so I haven't posted in a few days. Also, I was in SC for a couple of days without internet access, so that also is a reason I haven't posted. Here's a brief review:

Saturday: Left VA around 1; drove to SC; arrived around 5:00; saw Grandma, Mom, and Dad; went to Skin's with Mom, Dad, aunt and cousin; went to other grandparents' house for visit; slept.

Sunday: Dad made omelets; milled around the house for a while; read the paper and looked for coupons (there were NONE in the Sunday Anderson Independent this week!); went to Cracker Barrel for lunch; tried on shoes at shoe store; had ice cream at Scoops; saw car Mom and Dad wanted to buy; went to Aunt's house to play with Wizard (lab-German Shepard mix), four new baby kitties!, and cousins; saw Aunt's beautiful yard with greenhouse and new bridge over walkway-which-is-soon-to-be-a-creek; spent some time with Grandma

Monday: Omelets again!; packed up; left SC; drove to VA; ate dinner with Ashley's family; rested; found out parents bought car!

Tuesday: Woke up early; went to Ashley's grandparents' house; painted four pieces of patio furniture (two couches and two chairs); put up three fence posts and two pieces of fence; cemented and built up front stoop; showered; about to go to bed!

Tomorrow will be a continuation of what has been deemed "Nanny Camp," which is where we go to Ashley's grandparents' house and work! At the end of the week, we get paid! WOOT!!!

It has been wonderful seeing everyone, and I am super tired now, so after I put the laundry in the dryer, it will be time for beddie-bye!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Attacked by snakes

First, let me tell you: I was not, nor have I ever been attacked by snakes. Second, this is the title of a very catchy song by the Aquabats--who I went to see once with Jackie and this kid that was staying in the dorm for a physics camp, whose name escapes me. Third, Ashley and I both spent a good deal of time last night dreaming about snakes.

At our house in State College, one of the guys had a pet snake named Billie Bob the Ball Python that was about 5 feet long. He hated Ashley. Every time she would sit beside his tank, he would come out and stare at her. I witnessed him strike the glass toward her, stare her down, and unhinge his jaw, open his mouth all the way, and size her up for the eating. Needless to say, she shared the snake's sentiment--she did not like him at all. A few minutes before we walked out of the door for the last time at the house, one of the roommates decided Ashley needed to face her fear and hold the snake. Billie Bob was coiled up, so the roommate picked it up in a big lump and brought it out. Ashley went rigid. She couldn't move. She started backing up slowly. Then the snake turned on the roommate who'd brought him out and hissed a little. The brave roommate dropped the snake on a nearby chair. Knowing the speediness and slyness of snakes, I grabbed him up. We wouldn't want to set the snake free on our final day. I put him back in the case, and we put the lid back on top, adding some extra weight to ensure he didn't come out by himself.

I saved the day!

We're headed to South Carolina today. Not sure yet when.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Why you gotta be doing that?

The title is a tribute to one of the former roommates. We're still in Virginia; headed to SC for a couple of days tomorrow. We're supposed to go to Ashley's grandma's house today to build a deck and weedeat. It's been raining this morning, so I don't know if we will be able to work outside.

In other news, I looked at coupons and stuff this morning. If you're into free stuff, check out freestufftimes.com. I've gotten everything from stickers to bottles of barbeque sauce. Love it! I've also gotten free music, books, keychains, squeeze balls, pens, pencils, wristbands, t-shirts, all kinds of stuff! Under the "MONEY" tab, they post excellent coupon deals, helping you get a jump start on extreme couponing.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

To be or not to be

So, is it more important to make a post every day, or is it more important to make an interesting post? I did nothing yesterday. Well, I did watch some movies, but that doesn't really constitute as actually doing anything. At this point (you know, early in the game), I have decided it is more important to post every day.

I am enjoying being in the South again. You forget when you're away for a while that people will just talk to you randomly. Just because. You forget that things move a little slower--except on the highways and the back roads. You forget the accents. You forget that you've missed it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


The first leg of the trip was successful! Ashley and I only got into one fight. It was in the ninth hour, and I was driving. We got over it, though. We left State College a little after 1--there was some crying from both us and the roommates. We had to fill up the gas tank twice--forty bucks each time. We also had to stop for Ashley to pee about a hundred times. (Ok, so maybe it was more like four times.) The drive was fairly uneventful. When we arrived at Ashley's, her dad and her brother were at work, and her mom and her sister were in bed. The dogs didn't even bark.
After a good night's sleep, we're thinking about what will happen over the next two weeks. There are a couple of things we are pretty sure of:
1. We'll stay in Big Stone Gap and Wise for a few days
2. On Friday, we'll drive down to South Carolina to visit my family for a few days
3. We'll leave SC on Monday

What is unknown is where we will go when we leave SC. Will we come back to VA, or will we start on our journey to TX?

We'll have to decide from here whether we need to unpack the car and leave stuff here for a while or what. I'm voting for leaving everything in the car. I am failing to see the point of unpacking and repacking the car yet again.

In other news, I think that both Ashley and I are allergic to dog hair. Both of us have had watering eyes, itchy faces, and swollen throats from the moment we stepped in the door.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Moving Day Take Two

Ok, today is actually moving day. So far, I have watched The Hot Chick, Will and Grace, I Love Lucy, and Reba. As you can imagine, there has not been a whole lot of moving going on. I've bid farewell to three roommates; just three more to go. I made some delicious scramwiches (scrambled eggs, cheese, bacon on toast) for Ashley and myself, and Ashley has done some laundry.

On a side note, I don't like the idea of a bear using toilet paper. (Commercials.)

Yesterday's unpacking/repacking session went well. I think we have come to terms that we will be starting out with pretty much nothing. The yard sale days helped get rid of a bunch of stuff, but the unpacking of yesterday pretty much filled the room back up. We're just leaving it all with the roommates. They will be having a yard sale soon, so hopefully they can get some more money from our stuff. We're leaving behind all the craft stuff--beads, felt, paper craft, sewing machine, and so much more! Also included in the abandoned stuff: all storage bins, shelves, etc.; every piece of kitchen stuff, such as the toaster oven, the Snoopy waffle maker, the silicon spatula, brand new pizza pans, pink skillet set, etc.; the record player; the books from the 1800s; the stockpile of toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, soap, shaving cream, lotion, toothpaste, etc. And etc., etc., etc.

I'm starting to get used to--and maybe even a little bit excited by--the idea that we're replacing everything. I think it will be quite an adventure. Between Freecycle, extreme couponing, garage sales, and my knack for finding a deal, I think we can do it. I think so.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Moving Day

Well, ok, today is supposed to be the moving day. However, plans A,B,C,D, and now E have failed. We are kind of scrambling for a plan F now. Let's catch you up:

Ashley graduated May 14. At the beginning of May, she received several job offers, and the one she accepted is with an archeology firm in Texas. She graduated from Penn State, so, obviously, we're in Pennsylvania right now. That's a quaint 1400 miles away. Just a 23 hour drive!

So, I put in my two weeks' notice, we started packing, and we made a plan. We made several plans, actually. The original five or ten plans included us leaving today to go to Virginia to visit Ashley's family. These plans, obviously, have gone awry. Here's a brief rundown of the plans:

Plan A: Rent a U-haul, load it up, drive it and my car to Virginia, pick up Ashley's mom and sister, all four of us drive to Texas, then Ashley's mom and sister fly back to Virginia. This started out as a feasible idea, but as the totals started adding up, the price tag was starting to go over $1500, and that just wasn't doable.

Plan B: Ashley's sister--C--drives to PA, helps us pack up all the stuff, we all drive back to VA, pick up Ashley's mom--V--, all of us drive to TX. This either leaves C and V down one car for when they fly back to VA or it leaves them with a two day car trip from TX back to VA. People with jobs can't do stuff like that!

Plan C: Portable on Demand Storage. Refuses to deliver in State College.

Plan D: This plan was in two parts.
Part one: Yardsale. The first success! Between posting stuff on Craigslist and putting up signs all over the place, plus sitting outside on the porch for two days, we made a little over $200 on selling our stuff. We freecycled the leftovers. Go green!
Part two: Car topper. They make waterproof fabric toppers that are supposed to fit easily on top of your car. You should see the picture on the box! Everybody in that four door sedan is so happy to be moving a thousand miles away! How easy it is to travel with one of these! You don't even need a roof rack! Oh yeah, we forgot to tell you: it dents in the roof of your car. Woops!

Plan E: We rent a car in State College, pack it up with stuff, Ashley drives one car, I drive the other to VA. $40 a day for a rental is not too bad, right? Wrong. If you drop it off at a different location, extra charge. Gas: extra charge. Mileage: extra charge. Taxes: extra charge. You can only pick it up and drop it off at the airport. Guess what? They charge you extra if you're picking up and dropping off at the airport! Running total starting to surpass $300, and we haven't even thought about how we're getting the second car load of stuff to Texas.

Other ideas have included paying the roommates to drive to Texas, shipping our stuff to ourselves, getting lyme disease (I'll explain this one later)

For now, we are relying on plan F: unpack EVERYTHING, resort EVERYTHING, repack a few things, then try to replace what we need when we get to Texas.

Now, for the lyme disease: On Saturday night, after the yard sale, we sat down on the couch to watch a movie and eat dinner. My knee pit--you know, the back part of your leg under the knee area--hurt really badly. I figured I had pinched it at some point on something and it was rubbed by my jeans all day. I slapped a bandaid--which I hate--on it and went about my way. On Sunday, after the yard sale, it was still hurting really badly, so I pulled the bandaid off. There was a small scab hanging off, so I stared to pull it. It really hurt! It must have still been attached. Maybe it had grown around a hair or something. I pulled really hard, and the scab popped off! Then I noticed the scab had legs. That were still moving. What I didn't realize was that it no longer had a head. When I told Ashley about it later, she explained that you're not actually supposed to pull them off. You're supposed to light a match, stick it to the butt of the tick, and let it back out of your flesh. Otherwise, it pops off body parts so it can still eat away. So, after about 36 hours of having this thing eating its way around my knee pit, Ashley submitted me to the torture of squeezing, tweezing, mashing, and alcohol swabbing to get out the head.

I am trying to keep a positive attitude, but I'm not feeling very good right now.